It has been almost 8 months since my last post and the reason for that is because circumstances have changed a little bit. As is par for the course, I have been on island now almost 4 years, have met the one and am now having a baby. Island life is a bit different for a married couple and very different when children come.
Many expats choose to head back home once they reach these milestones in their lives. We however are not ready to make that decision. We may even be lifers :) My husband is from South Africa and I am from Canada so where exactly is home anymore anyway?
The posts from now on will be for expats a bit further along in their lives. Some of the topics that are now very relevant are prenatal care, child care, buying a house, buying a safer car, sourcing things for a growing family on a budget, education and family travel. If you are a single expat then just refer to my earlier posts as they are all still very relevant.
nice to have you back and congratulations!